1st Black American President Elect, We Made History!

Last night we made History! Yesterday I did not work I just watched the elections all day long. I was quite delighted to see CNN showing Virginia numerous times and how people here really turned out to the polls despite the nasty weather we had on yesterday. It was such a blessing to see all people of all races and colors turn out to the polls yesterday whether you voted for Obama or McCain, you did your American duty.

Martin Luther King Jr, this is exactly what he has fought for all these years. All the studying we did in school on this one black man that wanted to make it right for black people and actually all American people....the RIGHT TO VOTE! I remember being a young girl and always talking to my grandmother and my mother about their lives and how it was when they were growing up. I was always saddened when they would tell me about segregation and that they could not go the same place as whites or had to use another bath room and riding the back of the bus. Although going through all of this, it never put hate in their hearts to anyone that was not black. They have always taught me to look at peoples heart and not their skin color, skin color mean nothing, we all bleed the same blood. I have taken this with me through my life. All these people fought so that you and I could have a better life today. I am truly thankful and blessed for all of these people. Them fighting enabled me to get a greater education than most kids are afforded the opportunity. I went to private and Catholic School all my life and in 99% of the cases I was the only black child in class or maybe their where less than 10 black kids in the entire school. All of this never made me forget where I came from. I have always been proud to be black no matter what or maybe how I have been treated in my lifetime. Today I have a diverse group of friends and it has made me a better person.

All of this leads me to Barack Obama, our new commander in chief and the first black American President. We say black because we see skin color. Let's not forget that this man is bi racial, his mother was Caucasion and his father was African. He spent most of his life raised by the white side of his family. So even though we say black, I am pretty sure he does not deny one of side of his heritage. That is what America is supposed to be all about, DIVERSITY. After all the accomplishments that Black Americans have made over the years from inventing the traffic light, bicycle, refrigerator, toilet and much more...who would have ever thought their would be a President of color so early in time. From young I never thought I would witness this in my lifetime. Many people were worried that the government would rig the voting so he could not win, so most of us were on edge until the end. Obama won over the state I live in, Virginia which has been a red (Republican) state for 44 years, Ohio (this was a major one), Pennsylvania, Florida and Colorado. People are ready for change and this is what Obama is destined to do for our country. This will be great for dealing with many countries overseas especially the Middle East.

Take this time and what this great man will do for our country and use it to your benefit. All the lack we had over the last 8 years, he is going to do his best to put the country in a great position. It is definitely going to be a challenge, he has a lot to clean out and 4 years is not enough time. But some of the main areas of tax breaks for $250k and under, the stimulus package increase, infusing the small business administration. So if you have a dream in your heart, this is going to be the time to work on it and let it be heard. Go out and start that business you never thought you were capable of doing on your own. Barack Obama shows us that anything is possible and that actually some people in this country have gotten over some of the racial barriers we face. There are plenty of racists out there, believe me and many are closet racist.

People all over the world were watching this election and were very satisfied with the result. There is no such thing as can't...YES WE CAN!

I must commend John McCain for taking this well and the wonderful speech he gave

May God Bless Barack Obama and the entire USA. Today is a new Day!

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